Regular Zaid Corday

Name Zaid Corday

Position Team Member

Rank Regular

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 52

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 187
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Well-toned body with slicked back grey hair and a thin grey goatee. Usually in form fitting dark toned clothing and a larger black trench coat and black leather gloves. He wears a black eye patch over his left eye.

Personality & Traits

General Overview He dislikes invasive tech, never installing any within his body. Since others will have these advantages, it has taught him to be quicker in mind and a wit. Always trying to be a step or two ahead of his target.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is tactical with a great mind to find weaknesses in others and defenses. Trained in stealth and infiltration as well as long ranged firearms.

Since he is both older and not "upgraded" he is at a disadvantage when it comes to physical fights with advanced enemies.
Personal Goals He just wants his life back after it was stolen from him. He wants to live free, without having to look over his shoulder.
Hobbies & Interests He likes to grow plants. In a life of killing, it feels good to create something.

Personal History Zaid Corday originally Micheal Thomason Johnson was a well brough up child, no tragic parent death here. He was brought up to enjoy the system and the gifts his parents' positions brought him. When Zaid got older however his love for his nation and those who he followed was so great he joined the military to protect this way of life, to his parent's dismay. While out in the field is when he saw the reality of the world, he lived in. After an attack left his entire squad dead and his left eye damaged, he left and wanted to start a new life.

Years went by trying to fight for what was right, but to no avail. The world was too broken for just him to fix. His heart once full of love, joy and kindness turned to indifference, sorrow, and a cruel disposition of the world to which he found himself killing for the same institutions he sought to topple after an erasure of Micheal and the creation of Zaid.
Career History Zaid Corday was a hired gun for one of the major corporations. They paid him well and he didn't ask questions. One day he found something that could bring the entire corporation down. Zaid had no intention to use it, in fact he handed back to them without asking a single question but that wasn't good enough for them. He had made himself a liability and must be terminated. The Corporation send dozens of upgraded individuals to bring the CEO his head but in the end, Zaid escaped with next to nothing and faked his death. Now with nothing but a few pieces of his gear, his sniper "The invisible Hand" and his wit, he was forced to find a new way to live, regain his old life and regain his freedom from the noose.